
9 free tools best for tracking SEO performance on Google 


In March 2024, Google’s algorithm update caused a 40% drop in rankings for thousands of websites, leaving digital marketers scrambling for answers. The SEO landscape has never been more uncertain, with businesses either rising to the top or crashing down the rankings. It’s a digital Wild Wild West, and tracking  website SEO performance has become a survival skill.

In this fierce competition for Google’s favor, having the right tools is like wielding a pickaxe in a gold mine. And guess what? You don’t need to spend a fortune. Here are the top 9 free tools for tracking your SEO performance and staying ahead of the algorithm.

1. Google Analytics

Google Analytics is shows who’s visiting your website, what they’re clicking on, how long they’re staying, and where they’re coming from. It’s the perfect tool to understand user behavior and refine your SEO strategy.

But while it offers a ton of data, deciphering it can feel like trying to read an ancient map. Focus on metrics like bounce rate, session duration, and keyword performance tracking to strike gold in your SEO journey. According to a survey, 68% of marketers say Google Analytics is their go-to tool for tracking SEO success.

2. Google Search Console

Google Search Console helps you understand how Google sees your site. It provides detailed reports on search performance, Google indexing issues, and mobile usability. Think of it as your spy inside Google's headquarters, keeping you updated on your site’s health.

The best part? Search Console is a master at revealing which keywords are bringing in traffic and which pages have indexing issues. It offers a sneak peek into Google’s brain, showing you which search terms matter most. Around 55% of SEO professionals rely on Google Search Console for keyword performance tracking, according to a 2023 Moz report.

3. Ubersuggest

Ubersuggest is a keyword spy tool and is the solution for “how to find the best keywords for my blog.” Created by SEO expert Neil Patel, Ubersuggest is a free tool that provides keyword suggestions, search volume, and competition analysis. Head over to Ubersuggest before you start writing your organic blog post – you will find all the short-tail and long-tail keywords that can help you rank.

Ubersuggest doesn’t just give you the obvious keywords. It offers hidden gems—those long-tail keywords that might just be the secret to ranking higher. Fun fact: 70% of searches on Google are long-tail keywords, meaning they’re more specific and less competitive, making Ubersuggest a must-have for SEO tracking.

4. Yoast SEO Plugin

If you’re a WordPress user, Yoast SEO is your on-page optimization guru. It’s like an SEO coach living inside your website, giving you tips on how to improve your content and helping you track WordPress SEO performance. Yoast checks for keyword usage, readability, and even meta descriptions, helping you optimize your site without leaving your editor.

Yoast doesn’t just focus on keywords; it ensures your content is user-friendly too. Research shows that 48% of users will leave a site if the content is poorly optimized, making Yoast’s guidance crucial for SEO performance.

5. Screaming Frog SEO Spider

Screaming Frog is a technical SEO tracking tool. This website crawler scans your site for broken links, duplicate content, and other technical SEO issues. You need Screaming Frog SEO spider to track what is SEO elements are faulty on your site.

But based on many Screaming Frog reviews, the free version only crawls up to 500 URLs. That makes it just ideal for small to medium websites. It’s the go-to tool for discovering and fixing those hidden problems that could be hurting your rankings. 53% of SEO professionals say technical SEO is the most important aspect of their strategy, and Screaming Frog SEO spider is a top choice for uncovering issues.

6. MozBar

Imagine you’re browsing the web, and with one click, you can see how well any site is doing in terms of SEO. Enter MozBar, a free Chrome extension that gives you instant access to domain authority, page authority, and keyword data right from your browser.

MozBar not only helps you analyze your own site, but it also lets you spy on your competitors. Over 60% of marketers say competitor analysis is crucial to their SEO strategy, and MozBar is the perfect tool to keep tabs on the competition.

7. AnswerThePublic

AnswerThePublic is a tool that taps into people’s minds. It shows you the most common questions people are asking about any topic. Think of it as Google’s mind-reading cousin, revealing what users are searching for before they even type it in.

The catch? AnswerThePublic isn’t just about keywords; it’s about understanding user intent. Knowing what people are asking can help you create content that directly answers their questions, boosting your SEO performance. Did you know that pages that answer specific user queries are 75% more likely to appear in featured snippets? AnswerThePublic helps you get there.

8. Google Trends Crystal Ball

Google Trends is like peering into a crystal ball that shows you what’s popular at any given moment. It tracks the rise and fall of search queries, giving you insight into which topics are trending. It’s perfect for spotting seasonal trends or jumping on viral topics before they explode.

Using Google Trends isn’t just for discovering what’s popular; it’s also about timing. By aligning your content with trending topics, you can capitalize on search spikes and drive more traffic. Around 45% of marketers use Google Trends to align their content with trending searches.

9. SEOquake

SEOquake is a browser extension that gives you x-ray vision into any website’s SEO metrics. With one click, you can see a site’s keyword density, backlinks, and on-page SEO details. It’s like having a pair of glasses that reveal a site’s SEO secrets.

SEOquake offers detailed reports for your own site. It’s the ultimate tool for those who want a quick, in-depth look at SEO performance without leaving their browser. According to SEMrush, 68% of marketers use SEO analysis tools like SEOquake to improve their SEO strategies.